Municipal Election – Candidate Question One
Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce Municipal Election Candidate answers to Business focused Chamber of Commerce questions
Question One – September 2018
As the October 20th municipal election approaches in Nelson and the Regional District of Central Kootenay, it’s an opportunity for voters to help shape the future of our region. This year’s election has a diverse range of committed community members who have put their names forward to help lead us over the next four years.
In its role of providing important information and advocacy for the business community, the Nelson & District of Chamber of Commerce is helping scratch beyond the surface with candidates to help understand what contributions these candidates would make should they be successful at the polls.
The Chamber’s Board of Directors have posed three questions to all candidates for mayor, council and RDCK Area E (Area F director Tom Newell is in by acclamation). The answers to Question One are provided below.
It is important to note that each candidate had a maximum of 250 words to answer the question. All candidates were contacted with the question and provided the opportunity to respond. With the exception of Bernie Brown (mayor), Robin Cherbo (council) and Robbie Kalabis (council) who did not respond by deadline, you will find their responses. The answers are provided in the order received. Questions Two and Three will follow in the next two weeks.
We hope that this is helpful information in determining which candidates will provide the kind of leadership that you value. And please don’t forget to vote on October 20th!
Further details and all the answers can be found by clicking the link. Thanks for your interest.
09_29_18 Municipal Election Candidate Question One (002)

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