Build Climate Resiliency
Accelerate Kootenays 2.0: The Accelerate Kootenays 2.0 funding program is intended to diversify the places and spaces where EV drivers can access charging. This program is therefore open to private businesses as well as public and non-profit organizations, local governments and Indigenous local governments. Funding through this program is provided as a reimbursement.
CleanBC Better Buildings: Better Buildings provides funding and capital incentives to encourage energy efficient design, construction and renovation of commercial buildings.
CleanBC Go Electric – Fleets & Organizations: Businesses and other organizations such as non-profits and public sector organizations may apply for rebates on zero-emission motorcycles, low-speed vehicles, on road Medium- and Heavy-Duty vehicles, and utility vehicles.
Fortis Commercial Energy Assessment Program: Your business can receive a free walkthrough energy assessment conducted by an authorized FortisBC consultant. This assessment will identify low- and no-cost energy conservation measures, potential energy efficiency upgrades for you to consider and available rebates from FortisBC.
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy: A business-friendly primer emphasizing why adapting to climate change is important to stay competitive. See what the business case for action is, and what practical steps and approaches business executives and managers can use to get in front and succeed in the face of this growing challenge.
BC Tourism Sustainability Network: In support of sustainable British Columbia businesses – this FREE tourism sustainability program is helping tourism businesses incorporate sustainability into their operations and create a positive impact on communities, the environment and their bottom line.
Kootenay Rockies Tourism Sustainability Programs: The Kootenay Rockies Tourism Regional Sustainability Charter and related action plan are the foundation for the Sustainable Tourism Programs offered to tourism businesses and organizations. In addition to providing direct benefits to businesses, these programs directly support the enhancements of the overall performance of the destination and the achievement of common strategic goals and targets.
Climate Resilience Program & Resources: The Climate Resilience Program helps communities in the Basin become more climate resilient by supporting large-scale, multi-year, shovel-ready climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience projects that address sources of climate change or manage the risks of climate change impacts.
Local Climate Resources
Columbia Basin Climate Source: One-stop destination for information about climate change, impacts, and action in this region.
Nelson Next Community Climate Plan: Nelson Next is a climate plan for the community. It draws from a rigorous set of baseline data, extensive research, and an intensive engagement process, to consolidate and coordinate existing policies and actions on climate change, while also introducing new actions to address emerging risks and opportunities.
Local Sustainability & Climate NGOs
Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society: The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) strives to keep our lakes pristine, forests lush, mountains healthy and economies thriving through education and managing invasive species in an effective way.
Community Futures Central Kootenay: Community Futures Central Kootenay is a not-for-profit community economic development organization. We are committed to helping people in the Central Kootenay region who are either operating or are planning to start their own business.
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society: Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is an inclusive, stewardship organization dedicated to sustaining a healthy Kootenay Lake for future generations.
West Kootenay Climate Hub: The West Kootenay Climate Hub is a non-partisan organization that represents citizens from across the West Kootenay who want more ambitious climate action to meet the urgency of the climate crisis.
West Kootenay EcoSociety: West Kootenay EcoSociety is a non-profit community-driven organization that brings together local residents to protect the natural environment while building just, equitable, healthy, and livable communities.