Thank you for Vising Nelson & Area
The safety of our locals and visitors is our number one priority. First and foremost, please follow all government recommendations on safe travel in our province. Visit Hello BC’s Know Before You Go page for the most up to date travel restrictions and information.
SMART Travel
S – STAY HOME if you are not feeling well.
M – MASKS are required in most public indoor places.
A – APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR is essential: stay in your vehicle when on the ferry, cough into your sleeve, wear a mask in public, wash hands regularly, and travel in small, familiar groups.
R – RESPECT the protocols and culture of our area. Accept the new ways of travelling, which are put in place to keep ALL of us safe. Be kind to other people, do not judge, do not alienate or discriminate because of their choices. You do not know their situation, and until you do, compassion will be your most valuable action.
T – TOGETHER through SMART choices, we can all enjoy this amazing region.
Nelson & Area Businesses
Nelson and Area businesses have been busy establishing safe dining and retail practices with Covid-19 protocols in place. These restaurants, pubs, craft breweries, coffee shops and retail businesses are being enjoyed by locals, sitting on outdoor decks and patios enjoying a beverage or a nice meal after shopping. Nelson is certainly Open for Business, and look forward to seeing you soon.
See our accommodation directory for a list of options including hotels, cabins, resorts, wilderness lodges, bed & breakfasts, and campgrounds.
Nelson Visitor Centre
The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce is proud to operate the Nelson and Area Visitor Centre located near the west entrance of Nelson at 91 Baker Street in the Railtown district.
The Visitor Centre has taken all necessary safety precautions and are following Worksafe BC and the Public Health Officers Safe Business protocols, and we look forward to seeing you.
If you are looking to connect with a local tourism expert, check out our welcoming visitor centre located in the Chambers restored heritage train station at 91 Baker. When you are exploring the region stop in Nelson drop by into the Visitor Centre for accurate information, local gems, and expertise or call 250-352-3433.
Canada US Border
The Canadian border remains closed for recreational tourism, so we are asking our international visitors to dream now and explore BC later when the time is right. While the border remains open for essential travel purposes, any visitor who arrives from outside of Canada must quarantine for 14 days.
While there is currently no date set for the reopening of the border, as soon as we know, we’ll share that info here. We look forward to welcoming you as soon as we can.
See the Canadian Border Services Agency website for the latest updates.
If you are travelling from other Western Provinces we look forward to seeing you. Please enjoy the enjoy, and respect the local business protocols in place at local businesses that are designed for everyone’s safety.
Additional Info & Links
Enjoy your stay. Eat, drink, shop and have fun in Nelson and area, but be courteous and stay safe.
#strongertogether #thinklocalfirst