ICI Organics Bin Pilot Program

We have some great news to share with our F&B business community!

Over the past few months, the Chamber has worked hard in collaboration with the RDCK and commercial waste haulers to provide better waste management solutions for our business community. With decreasing landfill capacity and increasing waste disposal costs, we are launching an ICI Organics Bin Pilot Program to help businesses separate their organic waste and save money.

This program will likely be an addition to your current waste system. The pilot service model is for weekly organics bin collection of separated organic waste. This could be a bin added to your waste collection area, and it can be shared by multiple businesses where there is space for this bin. Collected material would be brought to the Grohman Narrows Transfer Station.

The RDCK has passed a 1-year tipping fee subsidy, reducing the organics tipping fee by over 65% from mixed waste ($55/tonne vs. $166/tonne)- which should result in overall cost savings. The RDCK will also provide a $400 rebate towards the purchase of collection containers and supplies for organics recycling for the first 25 participating businesses. They are also able to provide some signage, education, and supports if requested. We are still finalizing the details and would love to hear your input, questions, and concerns as this program takes shape.  

We are still finalizing the details and would love to hear your input, questions, and concerns as we develop this program.

So Please Join us for our Information Session

📅 When: Monday, February 24th, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM
📍 Where: Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce, 91 Baker Street, Nelson, BC

During this session, we’ll explain the program in more detail and answer any questions regarding program cost, financial benefits, logistics, space restrictions, contamination & support resources.

If you or anyone else from your team is interested in attending, that would be great!

See how Liberty Foods has been piloting this program since September:
Liberty Foods Organics Diversion Story