Rural and Business Community Recovery (RBCR) Program
Updated February 27, 2022
Even with our local economy getting back to normal — and a “new normal” at that — your business may still need a hand with on-going challenges left to tackle after the pandemic: finding staff, dealing with new costs, debt load and looming inflation.
The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce and its economic development partners can help. We’ve been with you throughout the challenges of the last few years. New challenges remain. And we’ll continue to work for you and your business.
The Chamber, its board and our partners can connect your business with programs and grants that can help you turn the post-pandemic corner. While some programs have expired, there are a number of new ones, including the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit and the Columbia Basis Trust’s Summer Works Wage Subsidy.
Something to consider: Even before the COVID crisis, economic indicators pointed to an inevitable labour shortage across the Kootenay region — and the country as a whole — due to factors including retirement, immigration trends and economic growth. That predicted shortage hasn’t changed.
On the labour front, there’s a lot of help out there. Our partners at Kootenay Career Development Society support all aspects of recruitment and retention, for employers and jobseekers alike.
The Business Recovery Advisor team at the Chamber can answer questions regarding many regional, provincial, and federal initiatives. You can find details on the reverse side of this handout.
The Chamber and our Business Recovery Team are looking for details on the barriers holding your business back from financial recovery. This input is vital to our effort to work with all levels of government on business support initiatives and easing regulations.
In the next few months the Chamber, in cooperation with our economic development partners, will be conducting more one-on-one interviews and sector roundtable consultations to build COVID recovery case studies. The findings will help form the Chamber’s future advocacy and policy work. All of our consultations with you and your business are confidential.
The Nelson and District Chamber is the voice of small business. Let’s get back to work, support local and move on.
How can we help you in the year ahead? Let us know now.
The Chamber and our Business Recovery Team are looking for details on the barriers holding your business back from financial recovery. This input is vital to our effort to work with all levels of government on business support initiatives and easing regulations.
Visit this link for our new survey:
It’ll take less than 10 minutes. And all your information is confidential. Thanks!
What do you need help with:
Looking for workers? Or for work? Federal and provincial levels of government, as well as Chamber partners Kootenay Career Development Society, have programs to help. Call KCDS before you hire, or before you job hunt. There’s help out there.
1. Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP)
This program is a more targeted continuation of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Employers still impacted by the pandemic and revenue losses above 10% may be eligible for increased subsidy rates of up to 50%. The extension would help businesses continue to hire back workers and to create the additional jobs.
2. Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit — PROPOSED
Would provide $300 a week in income support to eligible workers should they be unable to work due to a local lockdown anytime between October 24, 2021 and May 7, 2022.
3. Work BC Wage Subsidy
Covers a part of employee wages so employers can hire job seekers and provide work opportunities, for unemployed individuals and employers.
4. Work BC Employer Training Grant
Cost shared program with reimbursement amounts between 60% and 100% depending on the training stream, which must result in a better job at the applicant’s company once training is completed.
5. Magnet Student Work Placement Program
Provides employers with wage subsidies to hire post-secondary students for paid work experiences.
6. KCDS Virtual Hiring Supports
For unemployed or those who are underemployed, KCDS provides an array of services, some specific, others tailor made. Get help with resumes, cover letters, costs of training, essential workwear/footwear, transportation, and for employers’ financial reimbursement for on-boarding new hires.
7. KCDS Employment Training Services
Helping digitally enabled business models transition to virtual recruitment, with a full suite of virtual hiring services designed to streamline the online recruitment process.
8. RAFT, Fast Forward, Smartlaunch & West K Tech
Other KCDS programs for those looking for work include:
- The RAFT program (a five-week training program for those wanting to work in the tourism industry, offering 12 weeks with 50 percent wage subsidy)
- Fast Forward (a four-week, group based, full-time employment program focusing on career exploration, job searching and job placement support, offering 12 weeks of 100 percent wage subsidy)
- Smart Launch (a free program for young adults between the ages of 17 and 29, seeking to develop employment-related skills)
- West K Tech program (which supports those looking for work in the tech and manufacturing sectors — the program is designed to support the region’s expanding tech sector by connecting experienced job seekers with employers looking to hire.)
9. BC Increased Employment Incentive
Refundable tax credit for all private sector B.C. employers to encourage the creation of new jobs or increases in payroll for existing low or medium-income employees.
10. BC Employer Training Grant
Offers employers 100% of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant per fiscal year, to support British Columbians that are employed or have been employed in sectors impacted by COVID-19.
11. Apprenticeship Service — PROPOSED
Employers hiring first-year apprentices in construction and manufacturing Red Seal trades would be eligible to receive up to $5,000 for all first-year apprenticeship opportunities. Incentive is doubles to $10,000 for employers who hire women, racialized Canadians, and persons with disabilities.
12. Employment Insurance Work Sharing Program
Provides EI benefits to workers who reduce normal working hours as a result of developments beyond control of their employers. The eligibility of such agreements has been extended to 76 weeks, eligibility requirements have been eased, and the application process has been stream-lined.
13. CBT Career Internship
Provides eligible employers with up to 50 per cent of an Intern’s salary and mandatory employment related costs (up to $25,000 over a seven to 12 month term) for full-time, career-focused positions that lead to permanent employment.
1. Hardest Hit Business Recovery Program — NEW
Provides support through wage and rent subsidy programs for businesses that have faced deep losses, with a subsidy rate of up to 50%.
2. Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program — NEW
Provide support through the wage and rent subsidy programs to hotels, tour operators, travel agencies and restaurants, with a subsidy rate of up to 75%.
3. Tourism Relief Fund — NEW
Supports tourism businesses, non-profits, and organizations to adapt operations to meet public health requirements while investing in products and services to facilitate future growth. Program open now. Expires March 2023 or until funds have been utilized.
4. Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy Program (CERSP) — EXPIRED
Rent subsidy for those businesses with a CRA business number as of September 2020 who experienced a drop in revenue and have eligible expenses.
5. Basin Business Advisors Program (BBA)
Supports entrepreneurship and builds economic capacity in Basin communities by helping chose resource and support programs, reviewing cash flow and budgeting, marketing, online selling, and pivoting businesses, farm and agri-food operations and social enterprises.
6. Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP)
Business Development Bank of Canada loans for small and medium-sized businesses that have seen their revenues decrease by 50% or more. Extended from June 30 to Dec. 31, 2021.
7. Canada Recovery Hiring Program
Rent subsidy of up to a maximum of 65% of eligible expenses to qualifying organizations that have experienced a decline in revenue until June 2021.
8. Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP)
Applicants can quickly improve their cash flow through their bank or credit union to help manage day-to-day expenses like buying inventory and paying your suppliers.
1. Launch On-line Grant
Funding to BC-based business to create an on-line shopping or booking system and/or improve their existing online operations to attract new local customers and expand to new markets.
2. BC Marketplace
On-line marketing program from Small Business BC that helps businesses reach new audiences by creating their own business profile for free.
3. Alacrity Canada Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Provides digital marketing knowledge, tools and resources to those who own, run, or are employed by a small to medium-sized business based in and registered in BCC.
4. Covid Rapid Response Team / Digital Footprint
Community Futures central Kootenay program available to help Nelson and area businesses and entrepreneurs improve their digital footprint, social media, search engine optimization, etc during the pandemic.
5. Canada Digital Adaptation Program — PROPOSED
Providing small businesses with access to digital trainers and micro-grants to offset the cost of going digital. Financing for technology adoption through the Business Development Bank of Canada.
Read older versions of this program info below:
Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce
Economic Recovery Line
Darren Davidson
Call: 250-505-9759
Basin Business Advisors
Call, toll-free: 1-855-510-2227
Community Futures CK Workforce Support
Call: 250-352-1933
Kootenay Career Development Society
Call: 1.877.952.6200 or 250.352.6200
Kootenay Career Development Society
Call: 1.877.952.6200 or 250.352.6200
The BC Chamber of Commerce launched the pan-provincial Resource Guide for Small Business Resiliency – a live resource to support businesses across the province in their navigation and recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic and BC’s Restart Plan.
Updated November 8, 2021
Even with BC’s Vaccine Card in place and economic restart plans well underway, your business may still need a hand with the pandemic’s on-going challenges — namely, finding staff. The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce and its partners can help.
The Chamber, its board and our partners are working to connect your business with programs and grants that can help you out of these challenging times. As of late October, some federal programs have been discontinued, but others are being replaced. With the expiration of programs like the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS), the nation-wide labour shortage is still of considerable concern. So too are the additional challenges in finding affordable housing, opening up our borders to vital immigrant workers and on-going requirements pertaining to vaccine cards and masks. On the labour front, there’s a lot of help out there. Our partners at the Kootenay Career Development Society support all aspects of recruitment and retention, for employers and jobseekers alike. The Chamber can answer questions regarding new federal initiatives including the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program, the Hardest Hit Business Recovery Program and the Canada Recovery Hiring Program. Find further details on the reverse side of this handout. The Nelson and District Chamber is the voice of small business. We are currently advocating with all levels of government — and specifically with Interior Health — for the lifting of on-going COVID restrictions including indoor event capacity limits. Let’s get back to work everyone. And support local.
How can we help you in the year ahead? Let us know now.
The Chamber and our Business Recovery Team are looking for details on the barriers holding your business back from financial recovery. This input is vital to our effort to work with all levels of government on business support initiatives and easing regulations.
Visit this link for our new survey:
It’ll take less than 10 minutes. And all your information is confidential. Thanks!
Updated September 21, 2021
Even with BC’s new Vaccine Card beginning to slow the pandemic’s pace, and the economic restart plans underway, your business may still need a hand preparing for the months ahead, or recovering from those we’ve already made it through. We can help.
The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce understands that with new Vaccine Card and mask protocols in effect until at least January 2022, full economic recovery is going to take some more work. The Chamber, its board and our economic development partners commend the business community for its resilience through these challenging times.
Working hard for you since the start of the pandemic, the Chamber can answer questions and offer help on issues including the vaccine card and mask protocol for all businesses, COVID trends, labour shortages, wage challenges, decreased profitability, debt load and rent/mortgage assistance. We can also help you work within the amount of time left for funding or programs that your business has been relying on.
On the back of this card, there’s a quick overview of the resources still being offered by government and community development agencies — 30 grant and loan programs — plus direct help line numbers for Vaccine Card inquiries and grant and loan applications.
Along with other Chambers across the nation, the Nelson and District Chamber is advocating for the extension of both the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy Program (CERSP) and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). (The current deadline for CERSP and CEWS is September 25.) As well, we’re asking the provincial government to lift some COVID business restrictions now that BC vaccine verification program is in place.
If you’re already up to speed on the funds and programs being offered, the Chamber wants to know which of them are working for you, and what you need going forward into 2022, so that we can advocate for main street businesses right here in our communities. There’s a vital Business Recovery Assistance survey at this link — It’ll only take 10 minutes. Or call us and we’ll fill it out with your input. Your feedback is confidential.
Support local everyone. Stay safe. And let’s be kind — and patient — with our hometown businesses and staff.
Originally posted June 1, 2021
Even with BC’s restart plans underway, your business may still need a hand recovering from the pandemic. We can help.
The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce, its board and our partners commend the region’s business community for its resilience through these remarkably challenging times. We also understand that recovery is going to take some more work.
Here for you from the pandemic’s start, the Chamber can help your business overcome hurdles like decreased profitability, debt load, reduced capacities, staffing shortages and the need for additional rent/mortgage assistance. We can also help you work within the amount of time left for programs that your business has been relying on.
Here’s a quick overview of the resources still being offered by government and community development agencies. You may already know about these.
If not, there are details on 29 grant and loan programs on the opposite page, plus a direct contact for advice on how to get started, and tips that’ll make the application process easier.
If you’re already up to speed on the programs being offered, the Chamber wants to know which of them are working for you, and what you need going forward.
As the representatives for all the business sectors of Nelson and its surrounding communities, we’ll take your input and concerns to the right level of government, and advocate for change.
Need a hand navigating it all? We can connect you with the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce Business Recovery Advisor, or others who’ll have the answers.
Business Recovery Assistance Survey
Help us now. So we can help you: There’s a vital Business Recovery Assistance survey at this link — It’ll only take 10 minutes. Or call us and we’ll fill it out with your input. Your feedback is confidential.