1 community 1000 voices since 1999.png
308 A Hall Street, Nelson, BC, Canada
308 A Hall Street Nelson British Columbia V1L 1Y8 CA

20 years ago, Kootenay Co-op Radio was a sparkle in the eyes of locals who felt the Kootenays needed a community radio station that expresses the unique spirit of the area. Since that time, we’ve built a radio station that broadcasts to communities throughout the West Kootenay and reaches even more listeners through internet streaming.

Member-owned and operated Kootenay Coop radio (CJLY) has served up eclectic music programming and spoken word shows exploring local issues, opinions, and events happening in our community. With almost 100 hours of original programming created by our passionate team of volunteer hosts each week, KCR is the destination for listeners who want an authentic Kootenay experience in French and English. 


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